le mardi 17 avril 2018 / Tuesday, April 17, 2018 (読みthe 17th)
Make yourself at home.
Feel free to use it.
Have a seat.
Have some more.
英会話タイムトライアル 4月DAY 11 -どうぞ-
どうぞお座り下さい **Have a seat. (ソフトな言い方) ×sit down
お代わりをどうぞ **Have some more.
Have another bowl of rice.
私のをどうぞ Have mine.
最後のひとつをどうぞ Have the last one.
Have the last piece.
Have the last sushi.etc.
何かを渡すとき Here you are.
促すとき Go ahead. (※ 先に行って下さいだけでない 広く使える)
どうぞ私のペンを使ってください Go ahead and use my pen.
(※ myを↗)
どうぞ先に食べ始めて下さい Go ahead and start eating.
どうぞ先に打合せを始めて下さい Go ahead and start the meeting.
実践ビジネス英語 (4/6放送 )
feel free to speak one’s mind
decide to speak one’s mind
Well, at first I was told it was the kind of place where you could feel free to speak your mind.[...] So I decided to speak my mind.