le jeudi 24 mai 2018 / Thursday, May 24, 2018
基礎英語 5月の共通テーマ 人や物の外見や特徴について言うことが出来る
英会話 ハートでつかめ!英語の極意 Lesson 8
-説明型(オーバーラッピング) be動詞以外のもの - [ S V C ]
◆You look really happy today.◆
You = really happy today に、動詞lookの意味がオーバーラッピング
-You are happy. ([…] just stating a fact […] )
-You look really happy. ([…] the verb ‘look’ as flavor to the sentence )
([…] more of your impression of the person )
※ look, smell, taste, feelなど感覚動詞や
※ seem, apear 「見える・思える」などとよく使われます
That looks amazing !
cf. That is amazing.
-look / taste / smell / sound / feel -
That looks amazing ! すばらしく見える
That tastes amazing ! すばらしい味がする
That smells amazing ! すばらしいにおいがする
That sounds amazing ! すばらしく聞こえる
That feels amazing ! 手触りがすばらしい
This pasta tastes incredible! このパスタは信じられないくらい美味しい
( unbelievable! /great! / wonderful! / out of this world ! )
** out of this world とても素晴らしい
You sound exhausted. (probably on the phone)
You look exhausted / tired. 見た印象
They don’t seem very interested.
** - look / seem -
look …very much a surface : a superficial,.. a visual impression you get of someone
seem …more of a deeper level of kind of reading into the person
大西 Oh, Rosa, is that your new bag ?
ローザ Yeah.
大西 It LOOKS expensive.
クリス Do you mean that you think it ISN’T expensive ?
大西 Yeah, it just LOOKS expensive.
ローザ Hey!! But accually, I got it on sale. So it was quite cheep. …