すべてのフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
× It'll come to me.
○ Now you're talking.
○ You got it!
○ Take a guess.
○ How come?
○ How come you know?
× What went wrong?
○ I can't help it.
○ You bet!
○ I knew it.
"英会話タイムトライアル"のフレーズ・例文 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ What's the matter?
○ I'm moving out of my parents' house tomorrow.
○ It checks your weight and blood pressure.
○ I'm sorry about that.
○ I love this song!
○ What can it do?
× I fell in love with that rug (at first sight).
○ See you tomorrow.
× Love is in the air.
× We might as well take a picture.
○ Here's some soup (for you).
× Thanks for letting me know.
× If your phone is out of batteries, I'll charge it.
○ Do you have meetings online often?
○ Can we download the tickets?
○ Let's get soba delivered.
× Home robots are pretty useful.
○ How many employees do you have?
○ My phone is out of batteries.
○ I'll show you how to use it.