haretaraiinaさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ Love is in the air.
○ I'm not checking any luggage.
○ When do you give a lei?
× May I get you something to drink?
○ How much is the rental fee for the mallets?
○ I'd like to buy two tickets for the Horizon show tonight.
○ What's the matter?
○ Can we have it by the glass?
× Could you show me this step again?
○ Are they all lowercase?
× I can't wait for the right occasion to wear it.
○ Please let me know what I can do for you.
○ Can we share it?
× Can I try them on?
× This is perfect for work.
× If I were you, I'd go see a doctor.
○ How far is it to the North Shore?
× If I were you, I'd ask him to leave.
○ 100 tips! How to communicate in English.
× Can I pay for the tickets with a credit card?