前の日cater to / 特定の人々の要望に応える、専門に扱う、満足させる、喜ばせる
His accounting firm caters to small businesses.
We do our best to cater to the needs of our customers.
He catered to her every whim.
cater to whimは「~の気まぐれを満たす・応じる」
on a whim / 気まぐれに、出来心で
I bought that on a whim. /衝動買いした
・cater to:特定の人々の要望に応える、専門に扱う、満足させる、喜ばせる
・His accounting firm caters to small businesses.
・We do our best to cater to the needs of our customers.
・cater to whim:~の気まぐれを満たす・応じる
・He catered to her every whim.