語句 gear
品詞 noun
日本語 装置、備品
発音 /ɡɪr/
英英 [uncountable] the equipment or clothing needed for a particular activity
例 climbing/fishing/sports gear
出所 ニュースで英語術 4/20放送分 イタリア 患者との接触はロボットが担当
語句 death toll
品詞 noun
日本語 死亡者数
発音 /ˈdeθ təʊl/
英英 the number of people killed in an accident, a war, a disaster, etc.
例 The death toll has now risen to 200.
出所 ニュースで英語術 4/20放送分 イタリア 患者との接触はロボットが担当
語句 disinformation
品詞 noun
日本語 偽情報
発音 /ˌdɪsˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn/
英英 false information that is given deliberately
例 The government launched a campaign of propaganda and disinformation.
例 It was a very plausible piece of disinformation.
出所 ニュースで英語術 4/21放送分 米大統領 WHOへ資金拠出停止の考え
語句 edge
品詞 verb
日本語 じりじりと進む、少しずつ進む
発音 /edʒ/
英英 [intransitive, transitive] to move or to move something slowly and carefully in a particular direction
例 + adv./prep. She edged a little closer to me.
例 I edged nervously past the dog.
例 edge something + adv./prep. Emily edged her chair forward.
出所 ニュースで英語術 4/22放送分 チェルノブイリ原発周辺で森林火災
語句 deliberately
品詞 adverb
日本語 意図的に、故意に
発音 /dɪˈlɪbərətli/
英英 done in a way that was planned, not by chance synonym intentionally, on purpose
例 She's been deliberately ignoring him all day.
例 an ad campaign that deliberately targets children
例 She was accused of deliberately misleading Parliament.
例 to deliberately withhold/conceal information
例 The fire had been started deliberately.
例 Her tone was deliberately insulting.
出所 ニュースで英語術 4/22放送分 チェルノブイリ原発周辺で森林火災
語句 debris
品詞 noun
日本語 がれき
発音 /dəˈbriː/
英英 pieces of wood, metal, building materials, etc. that are left after something has been destroyed
例 Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the plane crash.
例 Several people were injured by flying debris in the explosion.
出所 ニュースで英語術 4/22放送分 チェルノブイリ原発周辺で森林火災
語句 moat
品詞 noun
日本語 堀
発音 /məʊt/
英英 a deep wide channel that was dug around a castle, etc. and filled with water to make it more difficult for enemies to attack
例 The castle was ringed by a moat spanned by a wooden drawbridge.
出所 ニュースで英語術 4/22放送分 チェルノブイリ原発周辺で森林火災
語句 fallout
品詞 noun
日本語 副産物、予期しない)影響
発音 /ˈfɔːlaʊt/
英英 the bad results of a situation or an action
例 the political fallout of the current crisis
出所 ニュースで英語術 4/23放送分 世界の経済成長率-3%に
語句 contraction
品詞 noun
日本語 縮小
発音 /kənˈtrækʃn/
英英 [uncountable] the process of becoming smaller
例 The design needs to allow for the expansion and contraction of the metal.
例 The sudden contraction of the markets left them with a lot of unwanted stock.
例 Physical stress caused by expansion and contraction can damage components within the computer.
例 the contraction of the pipes in cold weather
出所 ニュースで英語術 4/23放送分 世界の経済成長率-3%に
語句 dire
品詞 adjective
日本語 深刻な、(見通しなどが)先行き不安な
発音 /ˈdaɪər/
英英 [usually before noun] (formal) very serious
例 They were living in dire poverty.
例 dire warnings/threats
例 Such action may have dire consequences.
例 We're in dire need of your help.
例 The firm is in dire straits (= in a very difficult situation) and may go bankrupt.
出所 ニュースで英語術 4/23放送分 世界の経済成長率-3%に
語句 proficiency
品詞 noun
日本語 熟達、堪能
発音 /prəˈfɪʃnsi/
英英 the ability to do something well because of training and practice
例 to develop proficiency
例 a certificate of language proficiency
例 proficiency in something/in doing something a high level of oral proficiency in English
出所 基礎英語長文問題精講p104
語句 sheer
品詞 adjective
日本語 全くの
発音 /ʃɪr/
英英 [only before noun] complete and not mixed with anything else
例 The concert was sheer delight.
例 sheer luck/chance/coincidence/joy/bliss/determination
例 I only agreed out of sheer desperation.
例 sheer terror/panic/exhaustion/hell
出所 基礎英語長文問題精講p104
語句 bemoan
品詞 verb
日本語 (…を)悲しむ、嘆く
発音 /bɪˈməʊn/
英英 bemoan something to complain or say that you are not happy about something
例 They sat bemoaning the fact that no one would give them a chance.
出所 基礎英語長文問題精講p104