Sunday, February 5 ★ボキャブライダー復習
❶BMI (BMI,体格指数 Body mass index の略 )
Your BMI is a little on the high side.
❷ Blood sugar (血糖、血糖値 )
My doctor told me my blood sugar was a little high, so I stopped eating. sweets.
➌uric acid (尿酸、尿酸値 )
Are there any foods I should avoid to bring my uric acid down?
❹body fat(体脂肪 )
Running is a great way to burn body fat.
☕Break time
It's a good season to eat Oden.
I put a big pot on a stove yesterday.
I prepared lots of vegetables, such as Japanese white radish, carrot, burdock, potato, "しらたき"、and" すじ肉." I put all of them in the pot.
I simmered Oden about 3 hours.
I usually eat them with mustard or "田楽みそ."
❶none (何もない、誰も~ない )
★It's none of your business. あなたには関係ない。
None of the students knew the capital of Brazil.
❷free (~がない、~なしの)
★tax-free 「免税の」★free of ~「~がない」
Is this cookie really sugar-free?
❸hardly (ほとんど~ない )★any と一緒に使われることが多い。
I've hardly made any progress on reorganizing my closet.
❹neither (どちらも~ない)★Me neither 「わたしもそうではない」
Neither of my kids will eat broccoli.
You did the nice cooking. I also like Oden. I especially like "hanpen".
Your oden seems very delicious.
By the way, in Tokyo, we use chikuwabu (ちくわぶ)for oden. But I don't like it.