I'm terrible at dancing. わたしはおどりが大の苦手なの。
calligraphy (名) 書道、習字、
I used to take calligraphy classes when I was in college.
「in college」は学生時代のこと
「at college」大学という場所
tug-of-war (名) 綱引き、鍔競り合い、引き合い
We played tug-of-war in our PE class today.
drill (動) 穴を開ける、掘る、穿つ、練習する experience a disaster drill
drill (名) 訓練、練習、エクササイズ、軍事訓練
We have fire drills at school every term.
delinquent (名) 非行少年
shoplifting (名) 収縮、万引き
The owner called the police after catching a group of delinquents shoplifting.
diploma (名) (資格の)免状、免状、卒業証書、 receive their diplomas
certificate /sɚ(ː)tífɪk/証明書、証明、(学位を伴わない課程の)修了証明書、
breath of fresh air 新鮮な息吹き
I know you’re new to the band, but you’ve been like a breath of fresh air.
compliment 誉め言葉
Wow, that’s such a nice compliment.
token 印、証拠
I mean it 本気で言ってるんだよ!/マジだよ!/冗談で言ってるんじゃないよ!
appreciation 感謝
I mean it. And we want to present you with a token of our appreciation.
I must have left it in the car. ~違いない
They may have used a different route. ~かもしれません
I should have brought more cash.
That should have been the correct answer. (それが正解だったはずです。)
He cannot have wanted to do that.
Sorry to have kept you waiting. (お待たせしてすみません。)
Sorry to keep you waiting.
This is Sam’s cane. He must have forgotten to take it.
Can you call Russell? He may have gotten lost.
I shouldn’t have eaten that second bowl of rice. Now I’m too full for dessert!