-head off to 〜に向かう、頭を向ける: 頭を付き合わせる
-the trend is toward working remotely / cashless payment 流れが〜に向かっている
-personal pursuit 個人的趣味
-switch from A to B
-demanding きっつい、過酷な
-What's your line (of work)? 〜の種の仕事
-options 選択肢
-as you may recall, 覚えているかと思いますが
-adopt 導入する
-RV: recreation vehicle
┌(。Д。┌ )┐)))))))))カサカサカサカサ
-take turns cleaning up.
-making speech.
-three times a week
-wear a name tag.
-not necessary.we just ____
-how long have you been here?
-I've been here for about three years.
-Well...OK, but keep your voice down.
┌(。Д。┌ )┐)))))))))カサカサカサカサ
-I just called to touch base (about ___)ちょっと電話したの(___のことで)
-How does she like _____ どう気に入っている?彼女は〜をどう思ってますか?
- in the full swing フル回転で
-are adjusting to their new school 順応する
-_______ considering 状況を考えれば
-you're breaking up 電話が途切れてる
-hung on 📞ちょっと待って : please hold
┌(。Д。┌ )┐)))))))))カサカサカサカサ
-She's getting a kick out of it それを熱中して楽しむ
-the front-runner for the lead in a school musical! 主役の最有力候補
-Isn't that something! そりゃすごい!
-make the ___ team 入るのが難しいチームに選ばれる
-that's what I told him.
-is in the second position 2番手
-How does she like it?
-Sachi, Kazuko's daughter is the front-runner for the lead in a school musical.
And her son George made the wrestling team.
So their Grandpa is very proud of them.
That makes their Grandpa proud of them!
┌(。Д。┌ )┐)))))))))カサカサカサカサ