athlete🆚player #スポーツ 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ His chances for success in the tournament are excellent.
○ The fans expressed admiration by throwing roses into the ice rink.
○ I think this one-run game is thrilling.
観光案内 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ It has many temples and shrines.
○ The approach to a shrine is used by the deity, so it's considered proper etiquette for visitors to avoid walking in the middle so as not to get in the way of the deity.
○ Most children wear kimonos and visit a shrine to celebrate the ages of three, five and seven.
○ People visit shrines on important occasions to make wishes and to offer thanks.
○ The most common way to worship is to bow twice and then clap twice. Then you pray in silence, and you bow one more time at the end.
今からでも覚えよう リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
○ I need you to set up the tables and chairs.
× The internet enables people who might otherwise be considered loners to stay connected with the wider world.
○ I can't say for sure, but we might be able to get more of our suppliers on board.
○ They were able to beat the top team in the state!
ラジオ英会話 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ The phone behind your computer is yours, right?
○ You'll have to rewrite it.
○ Watching videos for long hours isn't good for your eyes.
× Can you explain it to me?
○ Run faster, or we'll be late!
○ Practicing is the only way to get better.
○ Yes, I should be able to read it.
○ I want to do a lot of new things with you guys.
○ Do you know when he'll be back?
○ I'm having a good time, Anton.