使える日常英語 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ Can I have two more?
× Sorry, I don't seem to have received your email.
○ It took more time than I'd expected.
○ How much do I owe you?
○ It's safe now!
× You can say that again.
○ Where can I catch a taxi?
○ There isn't a tidal wave warning now.
○ I know what you mean.
○ What can I do for you?
○ Please let me know what I can do for you.
○ What do you say?
○ Who's calling, please?
○ I'll treasure it!
○ It's all Greek to me.
○ Regular exercise is beneficial to your health.
○ Wednesday would suit me best.
○ What do you do to prepare for natural disasters?
○ How should I put it?
伝統、文化 和訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ I don't eat meat on Fridays.
○ Soy sauce is a multi-purpose condiment essential to Japanese cooking.
○ It's the oldest city park in the United States.
○ They commemorated events and happenings with hula.
○ The USS Constitution is a ship built in the 1790s.
○ <i>Rakugo</i> is traditional comic storytelling performed solo.
○ When you blow into it, it makes an interesting sound.
○ So, why are you such a big fan of his books?
○ Wasabi is a condiment unique to Japan that was created by the blessings of nature.
○ For the French, wine is a complement to food.
○ Because I'm a huge Sherlock Holmes fan.
基礎英語中・大🗒️ リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ So, Haruna, how are things going with Leo?
○ I want to know how many pages there are.
○ She looks sad.
× School starts next week, so you have some time to adjust.
× Where were you visiting?
× My dad said to me, "The future starts now."
○ What are you doing, Grey?
○ They're known as lucky foods.
○ Do you think that you can find a solution?
○ I often watch them before I go to school.
× Believe in yourself, and you can do anything!
○ We're meeting on Friday.
× It tastes wonderful.
○ That's three times as many as the previous year.
○ There was nothing to be afraid of.
○ Now, it's my turn to take yours.
○ There are two lakes in this town.
○ I was watching you.
× I had three of them because I was so hungry.
× Did you know Hina dolls used to be made of paper?