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16 Small Kitchen Storage Ideas for a More Efficient Space
Keep organized with these expert-approved small kitchen storage ideas and tricks.
01 of 16 Nix Items You Don't Use 不用品は捨てる
02 of 16 Get Creative With Cabinet Doors ドアを工夫
03 of 16 Utilize Your Wall Space 壁を利用
04 of 16 Optimize Your Pantry パントリーを適正化
05 of 16 Store Utensils in a Drawer ナイフとかを引き出しに入れる
06 of 16 Implement a Tilt-Down Drawer 小さな引き出しを作る
07 of 16 Add Knife Storage on the Wall 包丁は飾る
08 of 16 Add Open Shelves オープン棚を飾る
09 of 16 Use Cabinets for Pantry Items 食材とかを棚にしまう
10 of 16 Use Clear Food Storage Containers 透明な容器をつかう
11 of 16 Focus on Vertical Storage 縦に整理する
12 of 16 Think Outside of the Kitchen 台所以外の部屋を使う
13 of 16 Have a Designated Utility Closet 掃除用品をしまえる棚を
14 of 16 Add a Spice Rack 調味料用のラックを
15 of 16 Make Your Own Pegboard 穴あき板を使う
16 of 16 Organize Your Storage Containers 容器を整理する