Level 1
I hang out with my friends when I have free time.
My friends and I went to a sushi restaurant for lunch.
It looks a fancy restaurant, but it's a reasonably-priced sushi bar.
This restaurant offers some course meals.
Some unique pictures decorated on the wall.
Those must attract a lot of attention of custumers.
To begin with, we ordered course meal.
We also ordered drink, beer, and sake. We had a toast.
They served us "前菜",sashimi,”酢物"
"茶碗蒸し", main sushi, and last、 some sweet one by one.
"酢もの" is my favorite. It was nice and sour.
We talked and talked on about various things having lunch.
Last we enjoyed sweets. It was moist cakes.
The dessert was quite tasty. I had a hearty lunch. And I got drunk.