・Why don't you ~? 軽い誘い
・in the meantime とりあえず、さしあたり
・need to ~する必要がある
・How about~? 軽い誘い
・What did Sota think about me joining the shogi club? me がjoin する
・I would be fun. would は will の控え目表現:楽しいでしょうね
・I have no doubt that he let you join.
・I'm sure he'll underatand.
・I'm certain he'll understand.
・I'm convinced he'll understand.
・He's sure to win.
・He's bound to win.
・Without a shadow of doubt, they will win
・Beyond a shadow of doubt, they will win.
・In all likelyhood, they will win.
・I'll guarantee you she'll say yes.