zokkonさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ The water's not flowing well.
○ How is his condition? Is he recovering from his cold?
○ How should I put it?
○ Reading such a Review about my book made me boil with anger.
○ She sprained her ankle, but other than that, she was a-okay!
○ I'm not good with numbers.
○ There's something to eat.
○ I've got to go.
○ The woman was coughing.
○ I look forward to seeing you again.
○ I like a little of everything.
○ Where is it located?
○ Is this place within cellphone range?
○ Where were we?
○ To be continued . . .
○ Don't jump ship yet.
○ It's now or never!
○ What's wrong?
○ Are you in line?
○ Kohtaro may be right or he may be wrong.