zokkonさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ That can't be.
○ Show me how to do it.
○ What a relief it is to hear that!
○ Let me put him on the phone.
○ I'm out right now.
○ I'm so happy to hear your voice.
○ That's the least of my worries.
○ What's happening here?
○ Now you're talking.
○ Is there soy sauce on the table?
○ You don't have to be nervous.
○ Where can I get a bus route map?
○ There are many kinds of <i>kakejiku</i>. <i>Sansui-ga</i> feature ink-brush landscape paintings. <i>Kacho-ga</i> depict seasonal flowers or birds. <i>Butsu-ga</i> convey Buddhist symbolism.
○ He eats enough for three.
○ Now let's get going.
○ Enough is enough.
○ I did it absentmindedly.
○ That was then. This is now.
○ Does e follow i, or is it the other way round?
○ There is nothing we can do.