zokkonさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ It might come easy for you.
○ I am really sorry that I am late.
○ The cherry blossom is regarded as an iconic flower of Japan. And, in fact, for many Japanese, it's synonymous with the word 'flower'.
○ Wait until you've heard the whole story.
○ Would you like something to drink?
○ Our vacation was ruined by the bad weather.
○ You'll never learn!
○ Ellen is the person who told me.
○ There's no time to kill.
○ Are you free next Saturday?
○ They are meeting right now.
○ Are you out of your mind?
○ I was surprised.
○ We can get them at bargain prices, right?
○ How long will it take to get things up and running?
○ I got drunk.
○ Where did you get that news from?
○ Getting chocolate from Yuka has made him very happy!
○ He's a man who I grow vegetables with.
○ Be my guest.