I have been trying to write in my diary for about 1 hour.
And I wrote something in here a few times.
But I deleted them.
Because the contents was kind of negative.
I tend to think everything seriously today.
I don't know what makes me so.
Maybe this unstable weather is one of the reasons.
The more I write in here, the more the contents become gloomy.
OK, I quit thinking about my diary any more.
And try to take deep breathes several times.
By the way, can you guess what I have tryed to write in here at first?
The answer is "LIFE".
Oh, I see.
That makes me so blue.
the moreのフレーズ・ the 比較級 + the 比較級 ~すればするほど、ますます…
The closer you look at the details, the more work the room seems to need.
The more he barked, the worse it got for Sirius.