◆ 5トレ Sep17
*It's at the cleaner's.
*That leaves my pinstriped silk suit.
英語5分間トレーニング(2011/9/18) 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
× You're welcome to link to this site.
to this site. の to が抜けた
○ Should I ask her out?
× Where can we exchange currency?
currency のスペルミス(>_<)
○ There goes the fire alarm.
○ This condo doesn't allow pets.
I'm getting sleepy.
お気に入りフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
× You usually show "scissors".
show が出ず;;
× I sometimes do that, too.
too 抜け落ち;;
○ Why don't you pace yourself?
○ I meant it as a joke.
× How many times did you win?
do ⇒did
○ I remember it like it was yesterday.
○ You're welcome to link to this site.
○ This was a smooth flight.
○ What about Cloudy?
○ The fish aren't biting much today.