It's became July, and we still have been a heavy cloudy sky during the rainy season. but Okinawa meteorological observatory an announcement that Okinawa area seems to be the rainy season was over on the 29th of June in 2019. Average yearly the rainy season would be able to finish about on the 21th of July in Kanto area. We have to wait during that day. Needless to say that we are going to have an intense heat after rainy season. So I have to build up my strength from now on. I used to sing a song that "I remember when the summer comes, Oze is in the distance, and the sky is far away" But now, I want to say that "I remember when the summer comes heat wave hit us and have to attention to be getting heatstroke, We should be careful and will get through with it.
います。でも沖縄では6月29日に梅雨明けしたとみられると沖縄気象庁から発表がありました。平年ですと関東の梅雨明けは大体7月21日頃なので、まだそれまで待たなければなりません。言うまでもなく梅雨が明ければ猛暑になるでしょう。夏を乗り切るためには今から体力を付けなければなりません。かって”夏になると思い出すはるかな尾瀬遠い空”と歌っていたものでしたが、今は ”夏になると思い出す、熱風吹いて熱中症になる”です。気を付けてこの夏を乗り切りましょう。
尾瀬の替え歌 (笑えませんが)笑いました(^^♪