I met a wheelchair user who was a young man at in front of elevator in the station building today. It came up to second floor and I hold the elevator untill he got onto it. And I got onto it after him. His wheelchair has a red button for move, and small red and blue color button put right side of it. I have never talked with physically disabled person up to now. But I try to speak to him today.
「Is this a electric wheelchair?」he responded 「yes」and we could a small tolking for a short. 「It looks really convenience wheel chair」「yes」 」「It's nice day to go out today」 He nod with smiling blightly.
The elevator reached first floor, he drove his wheel chair step back to the way out, because when he got on the elevator he enter it by front of wheelchair. 」I asked him again 「Where are you going」 「I'm going to OMIYA」「ALone?」 「Yes」「Take care of your self 「Thank you」
This is all. But after that I was something good feeling.
彼の車いすは赤いボタンが前についていてその脇に赤と青の小さいボタンが付いていました。「電動の車いすですか?」と思わず声をかけました。「はい」と彼は答えてくれました。便利ですね というと微笑みながらうなずいて呉れました。今日はいいお天気だからお出かけ日和ですね そうですね エレべータが出口について彼は車いすをバックで出て行きました。乗る時に前からでしたからなるのです。「どこへおでかけですか?とお聞きしたら大宮へ行きます」おひとりでですか?」 「はいそうです」「「お気を付けて...」