買い物で使えるフレーズ集 リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× And that means that bargains are snapped up very quickly.
○ The store is offering big price reductions.
○ After I finish shopping, I have to stop at the post office.
○ I'd like to buy some of these, but how do I buy these?
× You aren't allowed to use plastic shopping bags for burnable garbage in Fujisawa.
Facebookディクテーションテスト2011N0917(y)版(No.102) - 結果
Q1 Could you please pass me the salt?
○ could you please pass me the salt?
Q2 She's got talent. I can tell.
○ she's got talent. i can tell.
Q3 This is the ring which Mary wants to buy.
○ this is the ring which mary wants to buy.
Q4 Don't expect much from me.
× dont expect much for me.
Q5 Our customer service center operates 24 hours a day.
× are cutermers serves center operate 24hours a day
aki_esclさんのお気に入りフレーズ リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ You aren't allowed to use plastic shopping bags for burnable garbage in Fujisawa.
○ Alice knows the answer.
○ I would like to make a reservation for this evening.
○ I don't mind waiting.
× The term <i>bento</i> is used for portable meals, usually packed in a special container.