Good first move 感じのいい初対面の人への話しかけ方
It’s hot today, isn’t it?
Long day, isn’t it?
Where do you usually have lunch?
How’s work been recently? 最近、お仕事はいかがですか?(漠然と聞く)
I’m going to brabrabra.
Sorry? Would you say that again?
OK. I’m going to go to the bank.
See you later.
丁寧に言うには、See you. だけでやめない。See you tomorrow. のように後ろに付ける。
Too cool today, isn’t it? I had ほうとう for lunch at home. I cooked it with pork, pumpkin, potato, carrot, まいたけ and 万能ねぎ. The season for hot food has begun.
It was yummy. Now your hot pot dishes are waiting their turn, aren't they?
Hot pot dishes make you warm and happy.