Considering women and marriage through the lens of the surname 12/28
I increasingly use email during the course of my work, and I sometimes inadvertently type in the wrong name. For example I might accidentally call someone whose last name is Fujimoto as Fujiki -- which contains an extremely similar second kanji character -- or use the wrong first character for the surname Mifune.
●increasingly ますます ●inadvertently うかつな ●accidentally ふとしたことから
Sometimes, I realize my mistake after I have sent the message, but there have likely been other times that I remained unaware of the error.
●unaware of the error エラーに気づかないで
Occasionally, I will get a return message saying something like, "My last name is Fujimoto, not Fujiki." And while it is obviously impossible to read someone's feelings through email, there are times when the tone of such a message suggests the person has been somewhat offended.
●occasionally ときたま ●obviously 明らかに ●suggest 示唆する
●somewhat いくぶん ●offend 感情をそこなう
Because mistaking someone's name is clearly impolite, I respond by apologizing and saying something like, "Please forgive me. I have been experiencing the onset of farsightedness due to age, and I made a mistake reading your name on your business card."
●impolite 不作法 ●respond 応じる ●apologize 誤る ●onset(病気が)始まる
●farsightedness due to age 年による遠視➜老眼
In every instance where I have received such a message, it has been from a man. Most likely, their surnames are something very important for them. In that case, then, I think that they should be able to imagine to at least some extent the feelings experienced by women who must change their surname following marriage.
Presently in Japan, 96 percent of marrying couples end up using the husband's surname. The assertion that a man and woman who are marrying may choose whose last name to adopt is a mere formality, since women don't really have a choice.
A friend of mine once said to me, "My family believes very strongly in the divination associated with the number of strokes used in the kanji of one's name, and my first name was chosen after careful consideration of the total number of strokes in combination with my last name. But changing your last name following marriage changes the entire number of strokes -- and a fortune-teller told me after calculating the number of strokes in my new name that it was the least auspicious figure possible."
●divination 占い ●least auspicious figure 最も少ない吉兆のかたち➜最悪の運勢
●possible 見込み
At the urging of her relatives, my friend ended up using different characters for her first name. She once smiled wryly and said to me, "Both my first and last names ended up changing."
●urge 勧める ●wryly しかめた顔で ●end up 最後には
Many people advocate for men and women being able to choose separate surnames following marriage, as working women find it professionally inconvenient to change their names. However, I assume that there are also numerous women without jobs who have no desire to change the family names that they have become familiar with, and/or who are fond of the combination of their first and last names.
●advocate 主張する
For this reason, I find it odd to assume that it is unproblematic for non-working women to change their surnames after marriage.
●odd 変な ●assume 決めてかかるのは ●unproblematic 問題はない
Sometimes, women at my clinic say to me with a smile, "My last name has changed." In such cases, however, I assume that it is the marriage itself that they are happy about -- not their new family name.
I once saw a man say with a straight face, "Every woman is happy about changing her surname to that of her husband." This statement caused me to reconsider the following questions: What does it mean to be a woman? And what does it mean to get married?
This article you choose or your opinion is very interesting.
Actually I had a lot of same experiences.
I agree that mistaking first name is being rude.
It means we consider first name is important.
I’m living in Shanghai now, there is no need for Chinese women to Change their surname.
In my opinion, now days there are a lot of choices for us.
So I think you can do whatever you want.
But I also think you should assume your responsibility.
ネタ切れのお写真 とても素敵なものが多いですね。