Yuko Kishida, the wife of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, together with U.S. First Lady Jill Biden met in the library in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building of the White House with U.S. high school students studying Japanese language on Wednesday.
Kishida introduced Japanese 17-syllable haiku poems and said, “Poetry and literature have the power to connect people’s hearts and deepen their understanding by transcending language and national boundaries.” After students read out their poems, she said, “I could really sense the seasons and nature and your feelings toward them in your poems.”
Jill Biden stressed the importance of person-to-person exchanges, saying, “The ties that bind our nations are not just forged by heads of state.”
岸田氏は日本の俳句を紹介し、「詩や文学には、言語や国境を超えて人々の心を結び、理解を深めていく力がある」と述べた。 生徒たちが詩を読み上げた後、「季節や自然、それらに対する皆さんの気持ちが詩から伝わってきました」と感想を述べた。 ジル・バイデン氏は、「両国を結び付ける絆は国家元首だけによって築かれるものではない」と述べ、人的交流の重要性を強調した。