Japan's seniors to pay bigger share of medical expenses from 2022 -NIKKEI Asia -Step up English
Japan will lower the income ① threshold for ② elderly individuals to pay a larger share of their ③ medical costs, helping the country reduce the burden on working-age generations as baby boomers begin to reach the age of 75 in 2022.
日本は② 高齢者が負担する③医療費の割合を高めるため、収入額の①基準を引き下げる。2022年に団塊の世代が75歳になり始めるため、 勤労世代の負担を軽減する。
④ Out -of -pocket ⑤ medical expenses for individuals 75 and older will rise to 20% from 10% starting in October 2022 for those with ⑥ annual income of at least 2 million yen.
Currently, seniors in that age group generally pay 10% out of pocket, while those with income of at least 3.83 million yen pay 30%.
Roughly 3.7 million people will see their out - of -pocket payments increase to 20%. The health ministry estimates this will reduce the burden on Japan's working population by an annual 88 billion yen.
22年10月以降、⑥ 年収が200万円以上の個人が④自己負担する⑤医療費(の割合)を10%から20%に引き上げる。
The change results from ⑦ compromise between Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and Natsuo Yamaguchi, head of junior coalition partner Komeito. Suga , who leads the ⑧ ruling Liberal Democratic Party, met Wednesday in Tokyo with Yamaguchi.
The government and ruling parties have been discussing the income
threshold for raising the out-of-pocket payments.