State of emergency may be extended for Osaka area -NHK WORLD -JAPAN 3 hours ago
The Japanese government is considering extending its coronavirus state-of -emergency declaration for Osaka and two of its neighboring prefectures beyond May 11.
Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto and Tokyo are currently under the state of emergency.
Residents are being asked to stay home as much as possible. Bars and restaurants are urged not to serve alcohol and close by 8 p.m.
Government officials plan to decide whether to extend the measure on Friday, after hearing views of experts.
They are looking at extending the declaration for Osaka, Hyogo and Kyoto, which have not seen a significant improvement in their situations. Osaka officials plan to ask the central government to extend the measure in the prefecture.
Central government officials say they will closely look at the situation in Tokyo and hear the governor's opinion before deciding whether to extend the emergency for the capital.
Seven other prefectures across Japan are designated as areas where strict antivirus controls should be taken without a state of emergency declaration.
That designation is also set to end on May 11. Central government officials are analyzing situations there and in other areas to decide what to do with the measure.