Nagasaki remembers victims of atomic bomb -NHK WORLD -JAPAN 1 hour ago
Nagasaki remembering the tens of thousands of lives lost when a US military plane dropped an atomic bomb on the southwestern Japanese city on this day 76 years ago.
Since early morning, people have been gathering to honor the victems at places including Nagasaki Peace Park, built around ground zero.
A man said we have to take a moment to pause and reflect on the war at such occasions.
A woman said I want all the nuclear weapons to be scrapped.
A Catholic mass was held at a cathedral near the park. Worshipers remembered the 8,500 followers who died in the area due to the bombing.
A memorial ceremony is set to start at 10:45 a.m.
The number of people in attendance will be limited to about 500 due to coronavirus measures. That's one-tenth the size before the pandemic.
Attendees will include survivors, their relatives, Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide and representatives from about 60 countries.
A register containing the names of 189,163 victims will be placed inside a memorial. It includes the names of 3,202 people who were added since last year.
Participants will offer a moment of silence at 11:02 a.m. the time the bomb exploded on August 9, 1945.
Nagasaki Mayor Taue Tomihisa will deliver a peace declaration at the ceremony. He's expected to call for the Japanese government's initiative in achieving a world without nuclear arms.
The mayor is also likely to urge the government to join a UN traty that bans nuclear weapons.
The treaty came into force in January. But nuclear powers, as well as Japan and other countries protected by the US nuclear umbrella, have not signed it.
Throughout the day people in Nagasaki will reflect on the catastrophic war event and send a message that the atomic bombing, which devastated their city, should forever remain as the world's last.