前の日Japan decides to expand, extend emergency measures NHK WORLD-JAPAN 7 ours ago
The Japanese government has decided to expand and extend a state of emergency aimed at containing the coronavirus pandemic.
The highly contagious Delta variant is fueling a surge in cases nationwide.
At a news conference on Tuesday, Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide stressed the severity of the situation and pointed to the record 20,000 new infections reported last Friday.
He says now is the time for stricter measures, and called on the public to cooperate.
Suga said, "It's extremely regrettable that we have caused enormous hardships to many Japanese and other people in the country. But with strong determination and with the cooperation of the citizens, we will overcome this crisis. We plan to comprehensively implement our measures, which fall under three pillars. They are improving the medical system, preventing infections, and carrying out vaccinations."
The prime minister is calling for a drastic reduction in the flow of people,including a 70-perceny cut in commuter footfall. He says this can be achieved through such measures as teleworking.
The state of emergency is the fouth since the start of the pandemic. It currently applies to Tokyo and five other prefectures.
Official will add seven more, including Kyoto and Fukuoka, starting this Friday.
They will also increase the number of prefectures under intensive quasi-emergency measures from the current six to 16, starting Friday.
Officials in the affected areas will urge restaurants and bars to stop serving alcohol and impose stricter procedures at shopping malls and events. Both the state of emergency and the quasi-emergency measures run through September 12.
The health ministry says the number of severely ill patients nationwide exceeds 1,600 as of Tuesday. The figure is a new record for the fifth straight day. The government is preparing facilities such as oxygen stations to trat people whose conditions deteriorate.
It will also provide certain hospitals with two drugs used in a so-called antibody cocktail treatment. An overseas clinical trial shows it can reduce the risk of hospitalization or death by 70 percent.
Aurhorities across Japan reported nearly 20,000 new cases on Tuesday. About 20 prefectures posted record tallies.