hospitality industry:レストラン業、ホテル業、旅行業、娯楽や接客サービスを提供する業種
be concerned with:を心配している
be financially unprepared:経済的に備えができていない
Amy never saved any money, so she was financially unprepared when she lost her job.
severe illness:重症疾患
increase with age:年齢が上がるにつれて増える
Hopefully, wisdom and patience increase with age.
labor force:労働力
Brenda has decided to move to England permanently.
negative effect on:への悪影響
economic growth:経済成長
experience and expertise:経験と知識
push A out of B:AをBから追い出す
valuable resource:貴重な人材
collage enrollment:大学の入学者数
After nine months of growth, sales of model XYZ have leveled off.
tuition cost:授業料
international student:留学生
I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.