Gary, I heard you snoring in the theater.
Was I snoring? I must have fallen asleep. The movie was too long.
It was so romantic and interesting. I can’ believe you slept though the most important scene!
Which scene did I miss?
Let’s go to a café and talk about it.
We’ve been sitting in a theater for two hours. I’d rather take a walk somewhere. The weather’s so nice.
All right, we can talk while we walk.
Can he ride on this attraction?
I’m sorry, he is too small.
I was too tired to sleep.
This soup is rathe tasteless.
I’d rather take walk somewhere.
The problem is not a lack of intelligence but rathe a lack of motivation.
It’s too dangerous to go swimming in the sea today.
I would rathe have lots of friends than lots of money.
Could we hold the meeting on Frida rather than Tuesday?