be drawn by:に引きつけられる
Ted was drawn by the company’s commitment to decarbonization.
higher education:高等教育
delay in:遅れ
issue a student visa:学生ビザを発給する
political environment:政治的な環境
interact with:と交流する
Company X is working to enhance its cybersecurity.
think critically:批判的に考える
increasingly interconnected world:ますます相互接続される世界
do oneself a disservice:自分に害を及ぼすことをする
April does herself a disservice by not keeping up with current events.
cut oneself off from:自分自身を…から切り離す
By not networking, Tony is cutting himself off from valuable contacts.
economic disruption:経済の混乱
force someone into the workplace:人に働き出ることを強いる
give up:諦める
trade A for B:AとBと交換する
short-term gain:短期的な利益
long-term loss:長期的な損失
frightening prospect:ぞっとする予想
exposure to diversity:多様性に接すること
Any fool can paint a picture, but it takes a wise man to be able to sell it.