I wish I could meet visitors from a distant planet.
Humans have always wondered what their place in the cosmos is
The team spotted a distant black hole eating a star.
How often do supernovae occur?
I thought she was great.
Arnold, I’m surprised that you speak Japanese. My husband is Japanese, so I know a few phrases myself.
I do. In fact, a few years ago we made a movie in Tokyo.
Right. I heard about that. There was one unknown Japanese actor.
Yes, Yayoi was her name. I thought she was great.
Did she speak to you in English?
Yes, she did. She works for an international company.
Sorry. What did you say her name was again?
Yayoi. Spelled, Y-A-Y-O-I.
Got it. Thanks.
I thought she was great.
She told me she loved me.
I thought you’d say that.
What did you say her name was?
I decided I needed to lose weight. That’s why I joined the gym.
Mark said he was busy. I’ll ask someone else for help.
Where did you say you were from? Gifu was it?
How long have you and Maggi been going out?
Good story tellers never leave out important details.
I have to tear that page out of my diary before anyone sees it.
I’m tearing my hair out about it.
You’re all going on the roller coaster? Oh… I think I’ll sit this one out.