I had so much fun at karaoke last night.
I’m not especially fond of celery.
I’m fond of cooking.
On pay day I always indulge in online shopping.
I spent hours in the arcade trying to get a stuffed animal.
Can New York be dark at night?
Anton, how can that be Earth? We are supposed to be going toward Mars.
It is definitely Earth. I can see Africa and Europe.
Have you contacted Huston Control?
I’ve been trying, Commander. I can’t get through.
What’s the problem?
I don’t understand. I’m not getting any radio signal.
That’s impossible.
It’s nighttime in New York but I don’t see any lights.
Can New York be dark at night? Let’s go down to the surface.
Setting a course, Commander.
Can New York be dark at night?
My husband can be selfish.
Osaka can be very humid in summer.
You can’t be serious.
That can’t be.
That can’t be right.
That can’t be true.
That can’t be possible.
Can that be right?
Can that be true?
Can that be possible?
How can that be Earth?
He can be a little cranky in the morning. It’s nothing personal.
That can’t be right. There must be some mistake. Check again.
Can that be true? I’ve never heard of that happening before.
Tokyo is one of the biggest metropolises in the world.
I’d rather live in a rural area than au urban community.
Though it’s a bustling metropolis, New York has plenty of quiet peaceful spots.
If there’s one thing I don’t like about living in a metropolis, it’s the traffic congestion.