Shiho, I want to drop by the bookstore. 立ち寄る
Sure, Doug. What kind of book are you looking for?
I just want to see what they have. ただ、どんな本が出ているだけか見たいだけさ
But you can buy books online.
True, but I like being in an actual bookstore.
It’s better than choosing based on online reviews.
I know what you mean. Some book reviews can be misleading.誤解を招くような(形)
Right? You can’t believe everything that you read on the net.
Tell me about it. (同感を示して)全くだ
There’s so much biased information out there. 偏った、偏見のある
Exactly. And I love the smell of bookstores.
📌You can’t believe everything that you read on the net.
that がwhich、who よりも優先されるケース
You’re the only person that knows the password.
She’s the smartest person that I’ve met.彼女は私が会ったことのある最も頭がいい人です
The man and the dog that I walked past were wearing matching jackets.
あなたの基準に合うスマートフォンはひとつだけです それは新しいBig West 16です
There’s only one smartphone that meets your criteria. It’s the new Big West 16.
これが、部屋が空いている一番近いホテルです ここに泊まりませんか
This is the nearest hotel that has rooms available. Why don’t we stay here?
見て回ってください 値札がついているものはすべて販売しております
Have a look around. Everything that has a price tag is for sale.
今日も 暖かな1日でしたね。
もう 春がそこまで来てるのかな?って