I am Mrs.Gregory, the headmistress of this school. (女性の)校長
So, you are the gentleman whose test results surprised us all.
Pleased to meet you, ma’am. My name is Anton Kerr.
Why were you surprised?
You got a perfect score.
Well, it was mostly elementary science. 初歩的な
You are an expert in science, Mr. Kerr?
I wouldn’t say that, but I know the basics.
I believe you would be well suited to be a science teacher here.
I’ll do my best, Mrs. Gregory.
📌you are the gentleman whose test results surprised us all.
It’s a company whose employees all work from home.
He’s a painter whose art I bought. 彼は、その作品を私が買った画家です
あれはベンです 彼は、その絵がコンテストで優勝した男性です
That’s Ben. He’s the guy whose painting won the contest.
こんにちは 私があなたが財布を見つけてくださった当人です
Hi, I am the person whose wallet you found.
Thank you so much for contacting me.
レベッカはその意見が高く評価されている女性です 彼女のアドバイスに耳を傾けるのが一番いいですよ
Rebecca is a woman whose opinions are highly valued. It's best to listen to her advice.
私の地域は 今日は お昼頃から