ラジオ英会話 9月8日
Lesson 109
Key Sentence
We have to stand by our decision.

stand by ; そばにたっている、(約束などを)守る、支持する、見方になる、そばにいる、(いつでも行動できるように)待機する、備える
Feel English
① side by side 並んで、隣り合って、一緒に
They were walking side by side.
His English is improving little by little.
little by little 少しずつ
step by step 一歩ずつ
day by day 日ごとに
one by one ひとつずつ
cf. 反復(繰り返し)をあらわすときは day after day くる日も来る日も
③put ~ by [aside] ~をためる・とっておく
I put $5 by every week for a rainy day
Expressions in Action
① 英語学習は一歩ずつのプロセスです。
② 私はいくらかのお金を毎月ためようとしていますが、結局全部使ってしまいます!
③ 私たちのウエブサイトでは、似た製品を並べて見ることができます。
① Learning English is a step-by-step process .
② I try to put some money by every month, but I end up spending it all!
③ On our website, you can view similar products side by side.
Grammar and Vocabulary
We can send out letters saying we're canceling it.
send out
I don't think we should get married right now.
K: Takuma, I want to cancel our wedding in October.
T: Cancel? Why? We've already sent out the invitations.
K: Well, we can send out letters saying we're canceling it.
T: But why? What's the problem?
K: I don't think we should get married right now.
T: That's what we decided. We have to stand by our decision.
K: But are you going to stand by me? Isn't that more important?
T: Of course it is.
復習として end up ちょうどネイティヴ未就学児のみるアニメをみていて end upをキャッチしたが はてさて? どういう意味だったか? 今日の講座を聞いてなるほどと思う
ちなみに 曲中で 次のように歌われていた
One shoe just won't do.
You'll end up all lopsided.
One two, two shoes,
You can use to dance like I did.
おそらく歌詞なので文法的には若干の間違いはあるかもしれないが これ、、、未就学児対象って ネイティヴおそるべし。おもわずlopsidedと辞書をひきました。。