・・・・・・・My Diary(北海道の冬は寒い?暖かい?)・・・・・・
一昨日pretty naokoさんからいただいたコメントに『そちらは寒いでしょうね。これこそ無駄な質問とは思いますが・・・。』
とありました。 さて、どうお答えすべきかちょっと迷います。
I received pretty naoko’s comment the day before yesterday.
In her comment, she said, "Your place would be cold. However this will be a useless question".
Of course it is "Yes" if I answer simply. However, it is outside temperature to be cold.
As for the winter room, I think that Hokkaido is probably the warmest in Japan. It originates in recent house circumstances. It is a result of the spread of insulation material and central heating
The photograph which I attached is a photograph of the bay window of the living room of my house.
Look at the windowpane. You can see snowy sinter attached all over the glass
Snowy sinter was made by the blizzard of last night
The outside is super cold in a snowstorm. However, the room is warm so as to sweat
In the room, cymbidium and seasonal flowers are blooming in profusion.