

語句 on hold
日本語 (電話の)切り替えを待って、電話に出て、保留となって
英英 delayed until a later time or date
例 She put her career on hold to have a baby.
例 The project is on hold until more money is available.
例 The department has placed its plans on hold pending the results of the elections.
英英 if a person on the phone is put on hold, they have to wait until the person they want to talk to becomes free or has found out the information that is needed
例 (British English) I’ll just pop you on hold.
出所 ニュースで英語術 5/22放送分 世界とつながるオンライン結婚式
語句 mount
品詞 verb
日本語 高まる、増加する
発音 /maʊnt/
英英 [intransitive] to increase gradually
例 Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law.
例 The death toll continues to mount.
例 Speculation is mounting about a second economic crisis.
出所 ニュースで英語術 5/21放送分 “新型コロナ報道に圧力” 記者団体が懸念
語句 condemn
品詞 verb
日本語 とがめる、非難する、糾弾する
発音 /kənˈdem/
英英 to say very strongly that you think something is bad, usually for moral reasons
例 condemn somebody/something The government issued a statement condemning the killings.
例 condemn somebody/something for/as something The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity.
出所 ニュースで英語術 5/21放送分 “新型コロナ報道に圧力” 記者団体が懸念
語句 censorship
品詞 noun [uncountable]
日本語 検閲
発音 /ˈsensərʃɪp/
英英 the act or policy of censoring books, etc.
例 press censorship
例 The decree imposed strict censorship of the media.
例 The government has imposed strict censorship on the press.
例 to take action against institutions practising censorship
出所 ニュースで英語術 5/21放送分 “新型コロナ報道に圧力” 記者団体が懸念
語句 censor
品詞 verb [often passive]
日本語 検閲する
発音 /ˈsensər/
英英 to remove the parts of a book, film, etc. that are considered to be offensive or a political threat
例 be censored The news reports had been heavily censored.
例 The media may be censored, especially on defence issues.
語句 detention
品詞 noun
日本語 引き止め、阻止、拘留、留置、拘禁
発音 /dɪˈtenʃn/
英英 [uncountable] the state of being kept in a place, especially a prison, and prevented from leaving
例 They were sentenced to 12 months' detention in a young offender institution.
例 police powers of arrest and detention
例 allegations of torture and detention without trial
例 a detention camp
出所 ニュースで英語術 5/21放送分 “新型コロナ報道に圧力” 記者団体が懸念
語句 draw on
日本語 ~を利用する、~に頼る
英英 to use a supply of something that is available to you
例 I'll have to draw on my savings.
例 The novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences.
出所 ニュースで英語術 5/20放送分 “温泉テイクアウト”始まる
語句 seal
品詞 noun
日本語 印鑑
発音 /siːl/
英英 [countable] an official design or mark, stamped on a document to show that it is real and carries the authority of a particular person or organization
例 The letter bore the president's seal. 「bear」は記載があるの意味
出所 ニュースで英語術 5/19放送分 安倍首相 はんこ制度の見直し指示
語句 businesses
日本語 複数形で「企業」
英英 [countable] a commercial organization such as a company, shop or factory
例 an organization that represents small businesses
例 She works in the family business.
例 We try to support local businesses.
例 a successful/profitable business
例 a retail/an online business
例 to run/start a business
例 to grow/expand/build a business
例 He wanted to expand the export side of the business.
例 We're looking for new business premises.
出所 ニュースで英語術 5/19放送分 安倍首相 はんこ制度の見直し指示
語句 weigh in
日本語 割って入る、(議論・論争などに)加わる
英英 (informal) to join in a discussion, an argument, an activity, etc. by saying something important, persuading somebody, or doing something to help
例 We all weighed in with our suggestions.
例 Finally the government weighed in with financial aid.
出所 ニュースで英語術 5/18放送分 米国防総省 “UFO映像”を公開
語句 enduring
品詞 adjective
日本語 永続する、永久的な
発音 /ɪnˈdʊrɪŋ/
英英 lasting for a long time
例 What is your most enduring memory of her?
例 What is the reason for the game's enduring appeal?
例 It's perhaps the only enduring work of art from the period.
出所 ニュースで英語術 5/18放送分 米国防総省 “UFO映像”を公開
語句 oblong
品詞 noun
日本語 長方形、楕(だ)円形
発音 /ˈɑːblɔːŋ/
英英 (North American English) any shape that is longer than it is wide
例 The leaves are narrow oblongs.
出所 ニュースで英語術 5/18放送分 米国防総省 “UFO映像”を公開






