Section 2 Things Japanese, Things Abroad
●Dialog 9 An Important Milestone 七五三
M: I bet those kids are dressed up for the Shichi-Go-San festival for seven-,
five- and three-year-olds.
F: You did your homework!
M: (Laughing.) How long has it been around?
F: A millennium maybe. It started as a rite of passage at the court,
then the samurai class adopted it. Infant mortality was very high then,
so I think Shichi-Go-San came as an important milestone.
M: I can imagine. Here’s a dumb question: Why is it not Six-Four-Two?
F: Good question! Those odd numbers are considered lucy in Eastern numerology.
□ important milestone 世の中の[人生の]重要な節目
□ do one’s homework 下調べをする □ millennium 1000年
□ rite of passage 通過儀礼 □ infant mortality 乳児死亡率
□ come as ... ……となる □Here’s a dumb question. 愚問ですが。
□ odd number 奇数 □ Eastern numerology 東洋の数霊術
Those odd numbers are considered lucky.
⇒ Those odd numbers are considered [lucky numbers]. (縁起のいい数字)
⇒ Those odd numbered are considered [to bring good luck].(幸運をもたらす)
⇒ [This charm] is considered to bring good luck.(このお守り)
I can imagine. (なるほどね。)
⇒ canとimagineのnとmを少し強める。
The man is interested in Shichi-Go-San. The woman thinks this rite of passage
has been around for a millennium and that it came as an important milestone
because infant mortality was very high then.
Ⅱ.ラジオ英会話 Week 1 英作文演習の総復習
1.Stay close to me. We don’t want to get separated.
2.Pass me that screwdriver, please. No, not that one. The flathead one.
3.Your password needs to be a secret. Keep it to yourself.
4.Don’t believe the rumors. I’m not planning to leave the band.
5.Do stay for lunch. I’d love to catch up on old times.
6.Never mix these two cleaners. It’s extremely dangerous, got it?
7.I recommend that you go on a weekday. Hiroto Land gets very crowded on weekends.
8.I suggested we should park in the shade. It’s going to be very hot today.
9.It’s important that I be updated on your progress. I have to keep track of these things.
10.I design buildings. You know the Hotel New Onishi? That’s my design.
11.I drink one liter of water a day. Minium. It’s been my routine for years.
12.Humans have backbones. All mammals do, actually. Insects do not.
Ⅲ.A Christmas Carol(127) STAVE THREE The Second of the Three Spirits(43)
After tea, they had some music. For they were a musical family, and knew what they were about, when they sung a glee or catch, I can assume you: especially Topper, who could growl away in the bass like a good one, and never swell the large veins in his forehead, or get red in the face over it.
Scrooge’s niece played well upon the harp and played, among other tunes, a simple little air (a mere nothing: you might learn to whistle it in two minutes) which had been familiar to the child who fetched Scrooge from the boarding-school, as he had been remined by the Ghost of Christmas Past. When this train of music sounded, all the things that Ghost had shown him came upon his mind; he softened more and more and thought that if he could have listened to it often, years ago, he might have cultivated the kindness of life for his own happiness with his own hands, without resorting to the sexton’s spade that buried Jacob Marley.
□ growl うなる □ fetch ~ from ... …から~を連れ戻す
□ cultivate ~ ~を耕す、深める、高める
(村岡花子訳) 第三章 第二の幽霊 (127)