Tuesday, February 14 ★ボキャブライダー 2/13放送分
❶nostalgic (郷愁に満ちた、懐かしい )
★be nostalgic for (~を懐かしく思う )
➡I get nostalgic whenever I hear this song.
❷remind (思いださせる )re- 再び、mind 思い出す
◎remind +人+of~ (人)に~を思い出させる
➡Watching the soccer tournament reminded me of my playing days.
❸good old days (古き良き時代、懐かしい日々 )※必ずgood を前に置く
➡Ah, high school. Those were the good old days.
ああ、高校時代。 あのころは、よかったな。
❹miss (恋しく思う、~がなくて寂しく思う )
I miss my mom's home cooking.
Japan to lift face mask recommendations on March 13
The Japanese government is planning to allow people
to make their own choices about wearing face masks to prevent coronavirus infections, beginning on March 13.
☕Break time
According to the news, wearing masks depends on person
from beginning of next month. I have a pollen allergy.
For me, it is better to wear a mask for a while.
Anyway, I'll just go to the restroom before we leave.
It's windy these days, so my eyes are itchy.
I have a pollen allergy, and I feel comfortable with a mask when I see lots of strangers.🐧
A pollen allergy person is necessary for a mask. It's an annoying season for you after this, isn't it?