Thursday, March ★ボキャブライダー 3/8 放送分
❶allergy (アレルギー )
◎have an allergy 「アレルギーがある」
◎have an allergy to~「~にアレルギーがある」
Please let us know if your child has any food allergies.
❷serious (重篤な、深刻な )
A food allergy is a serious matter. Don't take it lightly.
❸itch (かゆみを感じる、感じさせる)/(何かをしたくて)うずうずする
◎be itching to 動詞の原形「~したくてうずうずしている」
When I eat shrimp, my skin starts to itch.
❹rash (発疹、湿疹、頻発 )◎get a rush on~「~に発疹が出る」
I got a serious rush after I touched the plant.
☕Break time
When I was a little, I got a rash after I touched a metal.
I haven't touched it since then. It seems I have an allergy to metals.
There are many types of allergies. My husband and son are allergic to plaster(band-aid) and gel patch...
You have an allergy to metal. You're so careful with a variety of things, aren't you?