参照:一路庵 BLOG 英語部、大好き『ラジオ英会話』
2024.11.13 L148 現在形④ 未来を表す副詞節
🔓 I'll call you again when I arrive at the airport.
❖「未来を表す副詞節*では(未来表現は使わず)現在形を用いる」という現象を紹介しましょう。when I arrive at the airport(空港に着いたら)は、I'll call you again を説明する副詞節。厳密に言えばこれから起こることを述べていますが、使われている動詞 arrive――現在形です。それは「空港に着く」が「前提」になっているから。それが起こっていると見なしているため現在形が使われているのです。will や be going to など未来表現が使われないのも、「空港に到着するだろう」といった推測の意味が含まれないためです。*名詞以外を修飾する要素を「副詞」と呼びます。when 以下は「文」を修飾するから「副詞」。節の形式を持つため「副詞節」です。
you'll will you*you will
🔹keys)and(I'm in*〇
sweetie sweety
🔹stuff staff
【Target forms】「前提」when以下を起こっているとみなす
I'll let you know as soon as I arrive.
Ask me before you use my stuff.
Please tidy up after you eat.
I'll call you as soon as I've done my homework. *その状況が完了したことが「前提」
●Grammar in action
① 水が沸騰したらパスタを加えてください。その前に加えないように Add the pasta when the water boils. Don't add it before that.
② タイマーが鳴ったらすぐにオーブンを切って。ケーキを焦がしたくはありませんよね Turn off the oven as soon as the timer goes off. You don't want to burn the cake.
③ 手を洗ったらこれらのニンジンをむくのを手伝って After you've washed your hands, help me peel these carrots.
bump turbulenceなどによる)航空機の揺れ/凸凹、ぶつかること
go off 目覚まし時計などが)突然鳴りだす
burn 燃やす、火を使って損傷する・台無しにする【ニュ】料理の工程で)失敗した
char 【ニュ】炭にする 料理のテクニックとしてわざと食材を焦がす
2024.11.13 D8 年越し、クリスマス; 相手の国
In Iceland, how do people celebrate New Years?
Most people watch New Year’s TV shows.
It’s the same in Japan.
In Iceland, a lot of people make a bonfire on New Year’s Eve.
In Iceland, how do people celebrate Christmas?
A lot of people celebrate Christmas Eve.
Most people have dinner with their families for Christmas.
日本ではクリスマスの飾り付けは割と早く始まります *decoration装飾全般を意味する表現/ornament装飾品のみを指す
In Japan, Christmas decorations start pretty early.
Christmas decorations start in early November.
But some people don’t really care about Christmas.
2024.11.13 再放送⇒2023.11.15 1327 imが付く単語 The part that reverse the meaning of the part that follows behind.
① impossible 不可能な/【会話】あり得ない、そんなまさか【ニュ】扱いにくい、手に負えない
② immature 子供っぽい、未熟な、大人げない ※果物、抽象的なものにも
③ imbalance 不均衡、アンバランス *【動】unbalance 不均衡・不安定にする*一般的ではない
④ impatiently 何かを待てなかったり、同じ間違いが繰り返されたりすることに)我慢できない、イライラして
bartender=barkeep バーテンダー◆可算◆バーで酒を出したり、カクテルを作ったりする人 *tender 提供/世話する人
2024.11.13(10.25) 船井電機 破産手続き開始決定 FUNAI ELECTRIC TO BEGIN BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS 船井電機が破産手続きを開始へ
Japanese electronics maker Funai Electric received court approval Thursday o begin bankruptcy proceedings. The money-losing company was once known for selling its products around the world.
The Osaka-based company was established in 1961 and has made TVs, video players, printers, air conditioners, and other products. In 2,000, the firm was listed on the former first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
The company's website says it began manufacturing liquid crystal display TVs in 2,002, and the products once had a top share in the North American market. But its business deteriorated amid increased competition with Chinese makers and other rivals. In 2021, the company went under the umbrella of a Tokyo-based publishing firm and was delisted.
Funai reported a net loss of 13.1 billion yen, or about 86 million dollars for the year ending March 2024 in an August statement. Total liabilities stood at 46.1 billion yen, or over 303 million dollars.
money-losing -
and)has(made its*it
company's(website 's
🔹amid(increased in made*and made
amid)increased(competition ed
reported)a(net ミス*the
bankruptcy proceedings 破産手続き
file for bankruptcy 破産を申請する、破産を申し立てる
deteriorate 悪化する、低下する
unlisted 企業が)非上場の、株式が)未公開の
net loss 純損失、最終損失
total liabilities 負債総額
🔶Today's Takeaways
◇bankruptcy 掘り下げ
So, anyway, Chapter 11 bankruptcy is not necessarily as serious as you might think. Chapter 11 is also a phrase that's so common in business news and even everyday life; that you don't even have to say "bankruptcy" after it. People know what it means.
So, if I may, I'd like to say a little bit about the word "once." Naomi, what do you think when you hear the word "once" 1回? Um-hum, um-hum, right. That's probably the main meaning of "once." But it can also mean "at some time in the past," like it did in today's story. かつて、どう判断? Mmm..it's actually not that hard. When we want to use "once" to mean "one single time," we normally put it at the end of the sentence, somewhere after the verb. So, for example, "I've been to Europe once." 1回。 Correct. But when we want to say "at once but not anymore," we usually put it close to the subject. Like, "I once lived in Europe." かつて。 Precisely!
2024.11.13 再放送⇒2024.5.15(水)L23 問題解決の糸口を探る Finding Clues to Solving the Problems
In Iceland, how do people celebrate New Years?