2024.11.5 L142 時表現の役割② 命令文のバリエーション
🔓 Don't blame me for something he did.
❖命令文のバリエーション。まずは「禁止(~するな)」から始めましょう。Don't を文頭につけたこの文が基本的な形です。
🔹do)his(opening as
ones)that(use they
【Target forms】
Don't ever do it again./ Never do it again.
Don't you do it./ Don't you ever come back. *you を使い、対象を明らかにすることによって「非常に強い禁止」
You, stay where you are! *+you 強い命令
Do visit us more often./ Do be more careful. *動詞の前に do を置いて強調
●Grammar in action
① うわさを信じてはなりません。私はバンドを去ることを計画はしていません Don't believe the rumors. I'm not planning to leave the band.
② ぜひお昼を食べていってください。昔話がとてもしたいので Do stay for lunch. I'd love to catch up on old times.
③ この2つの洗剤を決して混ぜないでください。非常に危険です。わかりましたか Never mix these two cleaners. It's extremely dangerous, got it?
to begin with そもそも
昔話をする catch up on old times
□ G&V
it受ける it...to-.心の中に浮かんだ状況をitで受け、その内容をto以下で展開
should have+pp しなかったことに対する後悔を表す
2024.11.5 D2 世間話 ~するそうです、~のようです Looks like~.
Looks like Professor Smith is retiring. *It言わないほうがフレンドリー
Looks like Principal Jones is getting married/will get married.
Looks like the president is in trouble.
Looks like Jenny will win the Nobel Prize this year.
Looks like Steve won't win this year.
Looks like (it's/we have)【good weather for】 a walk today.
Looks like good weather for the ceremony today.
Yeah, 【I'm glad】(that) it's sunny.
Yeah, I'm glad it won't be cold today.
2024.11.5 再放送⇒2023.11.7 1322 生き物の世界
① predator 肉食動物、捕食者、容赦なく搾取する人【ラテン】略奪する=命を奪うもの
② prey 獲物、被食者、捕食する*prey on~ 捕食する・~を食い物にする
③ natural 自然の、天然の、当然の
*natural predator 天敵
④ nocturnalナクたーナル 夜行性の、夜間の⇔diurnalダイあーナル
化かされた I've been tricked.
Making its natural home in Tokyo? The chances of that are so low 😢👂of that are are ladder
natural home 《one's ~》本来いるべき所
2024.11.5(10.16) 太陽の活動は“極大期” 'SOLAR MAXIMUM' THREATENS COMMUNICATIONS, NAVIGATION NASAなどが発表太陽の活動が非常に活発になる極大期に(太陽活動の極大期が通信やナビゲーションを脅かす)
U.S. authorities monitoring atmospheric conditions say solar activity is now at a maximum and could impact communication and navigation systems. Solar activity increases and decreases in a cycle that lasts about 11 years. NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have announced the sun has reached its "solar maximum period," which could continue for the next year.
During such periods, electromagnetic eruptions called solar flares occur on the surface of the sun. These phenomena could affect satellite-based navigation systems, radio communication, and power grids. They could also produce auroras at lower latitudes.
In May,🌳 auroras triggered by solar flares were observed🌳 around the world. In the United States, GPS services were disrupted. The sun may already have been in a maximum period at the time.
atmospheric atmosphere at
🔹could impact couldn't pack
Oceanic Oceananic
Oceanic)and(Atmospheric ミス
eruptions rr
occur occure
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration アメリカ海洋大気局、NOAA
oceanic 大洋の/大洋のように)広大な
electromagnetic 電磁気的な
eruption 噴出/ 噴火、爆発 *erupt in anger 怒りで爆発する
power grid 電力網/電線(送電網) *grid 格子、網
aurora[ɔːrɔ́ːrə]オーろーラ=《the ~》northern lights
latitude 緯度 / longitude 経度
GPS Global Positioning System
disrupt 乱す、混乱させる、中断させる、障害を及ぼす
🔶Today's Takeaways ★効果的な英語学習法とはどんなものなのだろう
◇Yeah, that's true. Japanese and English are very different, especially grammatically. Sometimes everything seems backwards. Pronunciation is also different, and then there are different dialects. It's really a lot to take in.
◇Thank you for your message. I really hope your dream of traveling abroad comes true.
2024.11.5 再放送⇒2024.5.7(火)L18 海外に向けたメッセージを作成する Crafting messages for overseas subsidiaries
❣🔹consolidated consulted
❣drafts)a(notification ミス
😢asks s
❣advising advizing
❣teammates m m
❣🔹polite apply
😢where your*we're*〇*we're
consolidated financial statements 連結決算*consolidated 固めた、強化した/統合された
authority 当局、権力者/権限、権威、威光
stakeholder 利害(の絡む全ての)関係者*株主、顧客、従業員、地域社会、国、地球など
craft 作成する
where possible 可能であれば
🔓 It makes sense to be polite where possible.
❖make sense は「理にかなっている、筋が通っている」という意味のフレーズです。It makes sense to~ で「~するのはもっともだ」という意味になります。That makes sense. は「ごもっともです」という意味の定番の相槌ですが、それにちょっとコメントを加えるときは It makes sense to ~. となります。
・Given the traffic conditions,
□ アジアの言語を習得するのはいい考えですね
✖It makes sense to get an Asian language.
今回 It makes sense to master Asian languages.
〇It makes sense to master an Asian language.
● 言い換え
① logical 論理的な、筋が通った、理にかなった
whenever feasible 可能な限り
② sensible 理にかなった
whenever possible いつでも可能な限り