キングストンアートウォーク 英タより
2025.1.17 L190 Review
月 Where will Kinzo and the woman go from now?
C to a new school
火 Which of the following is true?
B Frankie doesn't know how to laugh.
水 When did Bob start painting seriously?
B when he was a junior high school student
木 What does Shiho agree about?
B What you see online can be incorrect.
1 ■ 補助要素 that を用いた関係代名詞節
Take care of yourself!
✖Thank you for everything. まず時制を意識!I'm really happy to work with you. If there's anything that I can do for you, let me know. Oh, I've got to go. See you.
〇Thank you for everything. It was great working with you. If there's anything that I can do for you, just let me know. Oops, I've got to go. Bye!
2 that でGO!
Why did you move here?
✖The reason is simple. There's nothing more pleasing to me than spending in the nature surrounded by a beautiful landscape. I'm really happy to move here.
〇The reason is simple. There's nothing that pleases me more than spending time in nature, surrounded by beautiful scenery. I'm so happy I moved here.
~ほど...なものはない There's nothing...more than~.
Oops Ops
2025.1.10 D10
*** Imagine this
You and I are going around Nassau―the capital of the Bahamas. As we walk around Nassau, we discover a big, beautiful building. It’s a luxurious resort hotel. So, let’s go in. Inside the resort hotel, there is a casino, and we can see some beautiful art and a big wall aquarium.
So, try to have a 6-turn conversation as we travel around Nassau.
① Wow, this is an amazing building. The architecture is beautiful. Why don't we have a quick look around?
>Sounds great. We might as well just have a quick look.
② It's a resort hotel with a casino. But I’m not much of a gambler. How about you?
>I’m not much of a gambler, either. I’ve never been into gambling.
③ Wow, this hotel is massive.
>Can you see that huge wall aquarium. Let's have a quick peek at that.
④ Good call. Oh wow, this wall aquarium is stunning. By the way, are you into art?
>I'm not much of an art expert, but I like art.
⑤ Look over there at those sculptures. Can we just have a quick peek at those glass sculptures?
>Sure. That's a good idea.
⑥ They're beautiful. And there are more sculptures in there. It's a Caribbean art exhibition. Tickets are $5― welcome drink included. Shall we buy a ticket?
>We're in the Caribbean. We might as well have a look at some local art.
So, today's conversation was about art in the Caribbean. When you hear Caribbean art, what do you think of, Carrie?
Oh, I think of murals.
Mural. What kind of murals are there in the Caribbean?
Well, there are many different kinds, some of people, some are a little bit more abstract but just paintings on (the) walls. At my university, there were a few famous murals on walls across the campus.
I see. And aren't there murals around the city?
Yes, yes, there're murals around the cities, too in Jamaica in Kingston at least. There's a place called Kingston Art Walk, which is a street with lots of murals on the walls.
◇Let's check out the famous pink sand beach in the Bahamas together next week.
2025.1.17 再放送⇒2022.11.7、2024.1.19 1133 価値 We'd like people to think this program is worth listening to, too.
① value 価値、【動】評価する I really value your contribution.
② deserve ~に値する・ふさわしい【イ】とてもよく尽くしたので何かを受け取る資格がある、受ける価値がある
🔶deserve +名詞/to+動詞 You deserve to be a Vocab Rider.
③ worth 【形】~の価値がある
🔶be worth +名詞(価値のあるもの:金額・time・money)or動名詞
Vocab Rider is worth listening to.
④ count 重要である、価値がある
You only live once.人生は一度きり Every minute counts.
deserve+目的語*deserve an award
主語+count ✖目的語
2025.1.17 (12.11) 全国の酪農家数 1万下回る JAPAN'S DAIRY FARMERS SLUMP BELOW 10,000 日本の酪農家1万を下回る
2025.1.18 再放送⇒2024.7.12(金) Interview 2-6 Kailene Falls イラストを水彩画で描くようになった理由
😭🔹working at a looking atミス
😭🔹edit add it今回edit it
😭artwork)🔹that was(specific ミス今回that's
😭and)they(said ミス今回she
😭and)it(wouldn't ミス
🆑bothered ed
😭as)an(illustrator ミス今回isミス
😭somebody🔹to see my 🔹artwork and be some way see my I/are work can be今回サーマイ(toミス)シーアワーカンビー
😭ingrained ed今回engrained
🆑acrylic aqualit
😭cover)up(mistakes ミス
😭darker on dark around
🆑🔹light write
🆑🔹found that thought on
🆑build)off of up with
🆑own artistic オナスティク
🆑found)it(very ミス
🆑🔹glad go out
we'll it will
find found