サンタ・アナ風 ニュ英より
参照:一路庵 BLOG 英語部、大好き『ラジオ英会話』
2025.1.27 L196 高度な関係代名詞修飾
🔓 This is the part that I think is strange.
❖この文は、関係代名詞節の空所(□)の位置がわかりづらい文。この文は think の内容を説明する節に主語がなく、ここが空所。この「私が、□は奇妙だと思っている」と the part が結びつき、「私が奇妙だと思っている――箇所」となります。このレベルの文を反射的に作ることができれば上級者ですよ(^ ー ^)
letter(that s
Dickens Dik
guy(that s
【Target forms】
This is an outcome I didn't think( )was possible.
This is the dish that we found( )too spicy.
She is the woman I asked( )to give a speech.
●Grammar in action
① ブラッドは私がいつか結婚してもいいと思う人です。彼は本当に優しいのです Brad is the kind of guy that I think I could marry( )someday. He's so kind.
② こんにちは。私はケンがあなたを助けるように頼んだ者です。何かお困りですか? Hi, I’m the person who Ken asked( )to help you. What's the trouble?
③ これは、もう手に入らないと私が思うカメラです。彼らは何年も前にそれらを作るのをやめました This is a camera I don't think( )is available anymore. They stopped making them years ago.
have got to=have to
rusted さびついた
□ G&V
関代 There was something in ~ that( )sounded strange.
2025.1.27 再放送⇒2024.1.29 1365 いろいろな「食べる」 Various “Eating”
Aiming for a full stomach in English
① munch on ムシャムシャ・モグモグ食べる
② devour 貪り食う【比喩】貪るように~する You really devoured that manga.
③【名】mouthful 口一杯分*a mouthful of~ 口いっぱいの~【比喩】長くて言いにくい言葉
My real name is a mouthful, so I just go by AJ.単にAJと呼ばれています *go by ~の名で通っている
④ eater 食べる人 big ―大食い、食いしん坊 small ―小食 picky ―好き嫌いの激しい人 healthy ―健康的な食事に気を付けている
ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」Next is news that I'm very concerned about. Let's check in on America.
2025.1.27 (1.14) LA山火事 被害拡大 STRONG WINDS COULD FUEL LOS ANGELES WILDFIRES 強風がロサンジェルスの山火事を助長する恐れ
The Los Angeles area is bracing for possible setbacks in the fight to contain massive, deadly wildfires. The return of intense weather threatens to fuel flames that have been burning for almost a week.
"The National Weather Service is predicting close to hurricane-force level winds and so we're making urgent preparations. My top priority and the priority of everyone else is to do everything we can to protect lives."
Santa Ana winds are common in Southern California during cooler months. But the fear is their speeds and the dry air could make the already dangerous situation even worse. Weather officials forecast strong winds will stick around through Wednesday.
Authorities are also keeping an eye out for those looking to take advantage of the situation. Dozens of people have reportedly been arrested, including for looting.
Officials say the disaster has killed at least 24 people and the number of buildings damaged or destroyed exceeds 12,000.
🔹bracing l
fight)to(contain ミス
of)(intense an
threatens(to ed
hurricane-force level --
and)the(priority ミス
and)the(dry ミス
🔹an(eye)out(for ミスon
🔹looting luding
Santa(Ana ti
brace for …~に備える、~に対して身構える
suffer a setback 敗北を喫する
set … back 人の計画・仕事などを)遅延させる
contain 封じ込める、阻止する、食い止める
make … one's top priority ~を最優先にする
Stick around in case we need you. その辺にいてね、あなたが必要になるかもしれないから
keep an eye out for … ~を警戒する、~を見張る
arrest A for …Aを~の罪で逮捕する
looting 戦争や災害などに乗じた)略奪
🔶Today's Takeaways ★「~地域」と英語で言いたいときはarea?district?それとも?
◇What exactly is "area"? When I think of "area," it's a bit vague, without set borders.決まった境界がない地域 It usually has a center and then goes out and imagine distance from there.
◇Yeah, it refers to locations with clearly defined boundaries, usually established by the government. It is often used to mean administrative districts.
region 広大で地理的な地方>area 境界が曖昧な地域>district 境界が明確な地区
・zone 特徴から分けた地帯
関東地方the Kanto region
greater Tokyo 首都圏(Greater Tokyo行政的にはっきりと定義された名称)
◇In both America and Japan, certain regions are prone to dry conditions depending on the location. So please take care to avoid fires.
prone ~する傾向がある◆特に悪いことについて
2025.1.27 再放送⇒2024.7.22(M)L61 相手の物流ニーズを探る Explore their logistics needs
😭Malai rai
🆑customers'(satisfaction s'
🆑🔹we me
🆑PCBs 〇*PCPs
😭boards 〇*ports今回s
🆑laptop p t
🆑with)a(major ミス
😭We're are
😭Guangzhou(and)Shenzhen Gangjo Shenjen今回Guangjou and Shenzen
from)various(countries there is
overview 概要
customer-centric 顧客中心の、顧客重視の/customer-oriented 志向の/customer-driven 寄りの
streamline 効率化する
PCB, printed circuit board プリント基板
laptop computer ノートパソコン*desktop computer
Guangzhou 広州
Shenzhen 深圳
🔓 I'm impressed by your customer-centric logistics services.
❖be impressed by ~ ~は印象的である、~に感銘を受ける 「感銘を受ける」と言っても、日本語のような大げさなものではなく、「すごい、すばらしい」と感じたときの気持ちを表すのに使われます。
・I was impressed by the level of creativity in the artwork.
① remarkable 素晴らしい、注目に値する
② catch one's attention 目に留まる、注意を引く
□ 私たちはそのレストランで、サービスの質の高さに感銘を受けました
✖ I was impressed by the high quality of the restaurant.
今回I was impressed by the high quality services at the restaurant.
〇 We were impressed by the quality of service at the restaurant.
□ ネガティブな反応に対応する Respond to negative reactions
□ ネガティブな反応に対応する Respond to negative reactions
Your customer-centric logistics services seem promising, but I was hoping for something more innovative or tailored to our specific needs.
Thank you for sharing that. It's great to hear your thoughts. We're always looking for ways to optimize processes and enhance efficiency. Are there any pain pointsなかなか解決しない問題 or areas where you feel there’s room for improvement?
tailored to ~に合わせてある◆【類】be customized tera to