間違えたもの リスニング
× The petals sometimes fall into my room.
○ Don't be so loud, everybody!
○ I swear I will.
○ It'll go with everything.
× Even if you have enough savings to cover your rent for a while, many landlords won't rent to you if you don't have a job.
旅行用 和訳
○ Could you tell me the way to this hotel? このホテルへの行き方を教えていただけますか?
○ Did I keep you waiting? 待った?
○ Can I have two more? あと2つもらえますか?
× How much do I owe you? おいくらですか?
○ Go ahead. どうぞ
友達 英訳
× お互いにもっと分かり合いたかったわ I wish we had understood each other better.
× その気持ちとてもよくわかります。I totally understand where you're coming from.
× ゆっくりしていってね。Make yourself at home.
× このまま続けたほうがいい It's better to keep going.
× 私の気持ち誰もわかってくれない Nobody understands how I feel.
May the positive fxxx be with you!
I want to pxxx more comedy!