

scour [skáuər] = search
They scoured the countryside for the lost child.

2025.2.12 (1.28) トランプ大統領 “不法移民”対策に着手 MEXICO RECEIVING DEPORTEES FROM メキシコはアメリカから強制送還者を受け入れ


🔶Today's Takeaways 
“Deportee” follows the basic pronunciation rule for similar words like “nominee” and “trainee” — the stress goes on the last syllable.
However, that rule does not always hold. You'll notice a lot of variation in how people pronounce certain words in that family. For example, I personally find it very hard to say the standard “employEe.” I tend to say “emPloyee.”
Then there's another word this makes frequent appearances in the news: “refugee.” While “refugee” is the traditional pronunciation, you'll hear plenty of people — myself included — emphasize the first syllable: “rEfugee.”
A lot of these tendencies come from cultural and regional backgrounds, among other factors. For me, the differences are cool. I like the variety. And as modern English continues to evolve, there are probably going to be more and more variations to enjoy.
Making summary was challenging but also enjoyable.
Yeah, great job, everybody, you know. Just remember, it's perfectly normal to struggle at first. It's not easy to make summaries. The key is to keep trying, right? You'll get the hang of it.

2025.2.12 再放送⇒2024.8.7(W)L71 ワークライフバランスについて検討する Consider work-life balance


□ ミーティングを上手に終わらせる Ending Meetings Well
① 感謝の気持ちを示す Show appreciation
ニコル、今日のあなたの意見に感謝しています Nicole, I want to say that I appreciate your input today.
② 意見の違いに触れる Touch on differences of opinion
意見が分かれることもありましたが、それもプロセスの一部ですよね We had disagreements sometimes, but that's also part of the process, right?
多様な視点【こそが】一番いい結果に繋がることが多いものです 【It's】 those diverse viewpoints 【that】 often lead to the best outcomes.
③ 前向きに終わらせる End on a positive note
We're committed to our shared goals.
Let's keep the momentum going.

2025.2.13 再放送⇒2024.8.8(木) L72 チーム連絡を行う Make team contact


👂🆑at)the(team ミス
🆑and)the(chance a
😭Orlando Auland*Orland*Auland今回Orland

▷由利チャット:研修のリマインドをする Remind them of the training
✔Just a quickちょっとした heads-upお知らせ
👂😭heads-up: headsup
🆑MR mr

*typical of 《be ~》~に特有である、~の特色をよく示している
It's all about capturing attention and getting everyone on board with just a few words.
Yes, 🆑an effective one-liner気の利いた言い回し.

Q 確認だけど、事前課題はないですよね?
✖ Just for checking, don't we have an assignment?
〇 Just to confirm, we don't have 【any】 pre-work to do, do we?
〇 Just to check, we don't have any pre-work, correct?

Thanks, Yuri. I'll be there参加しますよ. Q? I'd rather not embarrass myself恥をかく in front of my colleagues at the session. Jeff

□ イベントやミーティングなどの部内連絡 Intra-departmental communication for events and meetings
① We're organizing企画 a team building activity next month. Stay tuned追ってお知らせします for details and save the date空けておいて!
② Let's gather forしましょう a lunchtime brainstorming session on Friday. Your ideas are valuable.
③ Join us forしましょう a team lunch this Friday to unwindリラックス and chat. Bring your appetiteおなかをすかせて来て.
④ Quick reminder念の為: 【We're having】 a team dinner this Thursday to welcome our new team members.
⑤ Reminder: 【We're having】 an internal社内 training session研修 on compliance happening this afternoon. Be ready to learn学ぶ心構えを!

2025.2.14 再放送⇒2024.8.9(金) Interview 3-2 Brett Cline 半導体業界について


▷pioneer 開拓する
Someone who is the first to explore an area or discover something.
He benefited from the work that founders of the semiconductor pioneered, meaning that those founders gave him a strong foundation or a head start有利なスタート in acquiring information on semiconductors.

▷bulky 嵩張る
Large or heavy in an inconvenient way. Awkward. Clunky重々しくて不格好な. Cumbersome大きさや重さのため運びにくい.
Those bulky TV sets would seem unsightly外観の悪い, too big, and rather heavy.

▷innovation 技術革新
Innovation can also refer to new products or services that are original独創的な、創造的な, state-of-the-art最新鋭の, or cutting-edge最先端の.

▷enable 可能にする
The semiconductor industry had great innovations or novel斬新な developments of new products and ideas that have enabled or provided the basis for incredible new products and new systems.

▷anticipate 予想する
We anticipate a big turnout for tonight's big event. This means they predict there will be a big turnout and they're looking forward to it.

■ 技術革新について語る時の語句 W&P used when talking about technological innovations
▷revolutionize 革命をもたらす
The advent出現、到来 of the internet revolutionized communication, connecting people across the globe instantaneously瞬時に.

▷change the landscape 景色・状況を一変させる
This new e-commerce platform is set to change the retail landscape whileともに offering greater convenience to consumers.


▷create a paradigm shift パラダイムシフト(その時代の固定概念や価値観が大きく変わること)を起こす
Blockchain technology has created a paradigm shift for secure and transparent transactions.
2025年2月14日 21時19分
✖The development of smartphone has created a sea change in accessing to information and how to communicate.
今回The development of the smartphone has transformed the access information and communication methods.
〇The development of the smartphone transformed 【the way we】 access information and communicate.
2025年2月14日 21時19分




