

2025.1.28 L197 追加情報を述べる①
🔓 Barbara, who is a real estate agent, recommended this place.
❖関係代名詞・関係副詞には、先行詞のあと、ひと息おいて(書き言葉ではカンマ〈 ,〉を置いて)続ける使い方があります。「追加情報を盛り込む」表現です。この文の Barbara, who ~は、「バーバラ、ちなみに彼女は不動産のエージェントなのですが」と彼女に関する追加情報を述べていますね。Lesson 191 で学習した同格の I am Mrs. Gregory, the headmaster of this school.(私はこの学校の校長のグレゴリーです)と同じ意識で使われる形です。
advisor er
lives(in ミス
programming m
add)it(anyways in
【Target forms】ちなみにね、と追加情報を加える意識
My sister, who lives in Mie, visits Ise Jingu often.
Sakata, where I was born, is on the coast.
Last summer, when I moved here, was very hot.
●Grammar in action
① もしあなたが仙台に行くなら私に教えてください。私の友人のサムはそこに住んでいるのですがあなたを案内できますよ If you go to Sendai, let me know. My friend Sam, who lives there, can show you around.
② 対馬は私の祖父母が住んでいるのですが、信じがたいほど素晴らしいですよ。それは自然愛好家のパラダイスです Tsushima, where my grandparents live, is incredible. It's nature- lover's paradise.
③ 私たちのホテルの部屋は、15階にあったのですが、街全体が見渡せました。その価格の価値はありましたよ Our hotel room, where was on the 15th floor, had a view of the whole city. It was worth the price.

have trouble with ~ ~に問題がある
□ G&V
現完 before⇒経験 (Have you ever been to~? ever⇒経験)
感情を表す動詞から派生した形容詞 worried: worry心配させる⇒worried心配させられた⇒心配した
worrying=感情を引き起こす物事を形容 心配させるような

2025.1.28 再放送⇒2024.1.30 1366 危険の度合い Degree of danger

① hazard 危険(な要因)☚賽子を使ったゲーム
be a hazard to~ ~~にとって危険がある
② jeopardy 危険にさらされていること☚勝つか負けるか五分五分のゲーム
in jeopardy 危険にさらされて
③ dangerously 危険なほど、危険なまでに
running dangerously low on supplies 物資が不足
④ deadly 【形】命にかかわる、致命的な【副】 非常に~、酷く~

A friend of mine told me he was going to introduce me to an investment that would turn 10,000 yen into 1 million yen in a year.
There are plenty of hazards in schemes like that.

ニュースで学ぶ「現代英語」 Today we'll talk about a major earthquake that happened 30 years ago.
2025.1.28 (1.12) 阪神・淡路大震災を語り継ぐ絵本 完成 NEW PICTURE BOOK TELLS STORY OF 1995 QUAKE SURVIVORS 新しい絵本が199年の地震で助かった人たちの物語を伝える

A picture book has been created based on the true story of a couple whose child was born on January 17, 1995, when a major earthquake struck western Japan.
An event to mark the book's completion was held in the city of Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, on Saturday. The operator of an art class in the city and others raised money to make the book through crowdfunding. They spent two and a half years on the project to pass on memories of the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake to future generations.
The book tells story of the birth of Nakamura Tsubasa in Kobe on the day of the quake. Its artwork was drawn by children who attend the class. The story begins with a huge jolt rattling the couple's home. They evacuate to a shelter and get support from other survivors. The woman then gives birth a boy at a hospital during a power outage.
"I'm glad more people will know about the disaster through our book."

C: Sam, what were you doing during that earthquake? You were working at a newspaper company at the time, right?
S: Yes, I was stunned to learn about the destruction and the fires. I was the business editor, so i was summarizing the economic impact of the disaster for the paper. We sent reporters to Kobe to write stories and when they were done, some of them decided to stay there and do volunteer got the shelters.
C: That must have been such a tragic situation. But I'm glad volunteers were there to help.
S: Yeah, it was so heartbreaking to see the destruction.
stun 驚かせる
destruction 破壊(した状態) *distraction 気を散らすもの・こと/気晴らし/心の動揺
event)to mark marked
book's 's
🔹Great quate
🔹of)the quake phick break
with)a the
🔹huge)jolt straw to文字起short
🔹rattling ruffling
ruffling)the(couples a
couples(home couple of
🔹gives)birth spread

実際の出来事から着想を得た inspired by a true story
on the day of … ~の当日
artwork 本などの)挿絵、イラスト、図柄=illustrations/美術品、芸術作品
jolt 急激な揺れ、振動、強い精神的な)動揺
rattle ガタガタ、ガタガタ揺らす
give birth to …~を産む、何か新しいものを生み出す

🔶Today's Takeaways ★see「見る」などの知覚動詞が使われている文
◇Christy, what does "gathered" mean here?
I think "gathered" means that the gathering process has already finished. All the participants have arrived when this person saw them.

2025.1.28 再放送⇒2024.7.23(火)L62 先方の課題に対処する Addressing their challenges
😭logistical  logistics of
🆑document-related -
😭🔹customs declarations cust-in decorations今回customs decorations
🆑been)a(pleasure ミス
and)our(warehouse ミス

What is a way to-? ~する方法は何ですか?
logistical 兵站の、物流の
if any あるとすれば=if there is any issue
customs declaration 税関申告
production line 生産工程、ライン
visualize 可視化する
 follow up フォローする
① get back ~に折り返し・改めて連絡する
② reach out コンタクトする、連絡をとってアレンジする
Aroon will get back to/[reach out] you regarding/about your visit.
🔓Aroon will follow up on your visit.
❖follow up は「(あとに続いて)行う、フォローする」という意味のフレーズ。その場の状況や先方からのリクエストなどに応じて必要な措置を取るときに使われる。
・Could you follow up on the additional information Isabella requested? 送っておいて


pretty naoko さん
2025年1月28日 16時39分





