レストラン 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ Can I have some more coffee?
○ What is "Today's Special"?
○ Could you call a taxi for me, please?
○ Do we pay here?
日常会話 和訳テスト20問 - 結果
× It has a flat tire.
× Keep up the great work!
× That won't do you any good.
× What went wrong?
○ I've run out of gasoline.
○ Are you too busy to go on a trip this summer?
× That's quite a tall order.
○ Did you make up your mind?
○ Mind your own business.
○ You need to take more breaks.
○ He's all bark and no bite.
○ I didn't notice him at first. I finished my song and he talked to me.
× I didn't mean to.
○ I feel bad about it.
○ What can we do for you?
○ Where would you like to go today?
○ Is this a good time to talk?
○ Let me check with my father.
○ How much will it be to Gogakuru Square?
○ Are you expecting a call?
不定詞 リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
× I told her to buy truffles.
○ To smell the air is wonderful for me.
○ I have a lot of textbooks to read!
○ I want to be good at English!
○ Our goal is to have fun together.
ラジオ英会話 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
× It's only natural that they are excited.
○ I really hate to ask you this, but could you possibly lower your voices?
× Well, sometimes my students drive me crazy, but generally I do.
○ Could you say a little more about that?
○ Masami, don't underestimate the power of the human mind.
○ I hate to disagree, but it's not really necessary.
○ I need you to fill out this form.
○ Hang in there!
○ It is my goal that people recognize we are connected to the past.
○ Have you ever thought of becoming a history professor?